Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Raising the Roof

If Richard Simmons were in my life, everyday would be a party. He'd be my alarm clock. He'd awake me at 6:30 and we'd jazzercise together- maybe go out for a jog. Who needs an iPod when Richard Simmons could sing the oldies to you instead?

For my birthday, can someone please rent him out for at least 5 minutes? I want to bask in his super posi-ness.

Burn After Reading looks so good. Brad Pitt, probably the first time I will ever say this, looks really impressive. Casting him as a meathead and pairing him with John Malkovich may just be one of the best Coen moves ever. At this point, the Coen Brothers can do no wrong.

1 comment:

E.S. said...

I think it's more that they are continuing to prove that they can do no wrong. Even Ladykillers has its cult following.