Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Comb-Over Mullet

I've been really into the word "mull" lately. While g-chatting today, I told someone to mull over something. Then we started making up words with "mull" until we came to the mull et plan. It's basically a 401k that offers free NASCAR tickets. Of course, there's fine print but there's free NASCAR tickets so fuck everything else! Also, a major stipulation is that you must have a mullet in order to redeem this. As we age, sometimes nature takes over our scalp - ravages up our remaining hair. For those who are fortunate enough to salvage a few locks, sometimes they decide to mullet it out. Despite hair loss on top, the back still has a party going on.

I then remembered that my uncle has a comb-over mullet. Every Christmas, he'd give us chocolate instead of an actual gift. I was disappointed at the time because Barbies at the time were so much better. Anyway, he's had a combover mullet as long as I can remember. So when trying to explain the comb-over mullet, I was asked to draw it. Above is my rendition next to a photo of a guy who looks sort of like my uncle but this guy is way more into NASCAR than my uncle will ever be.

Oh man, I forgot how hard it is to keep a steady hand in MS Paint.

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