Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Hair Plugs Edition

I just finished watching 1408 with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. In other words, I wasted 100-something minutes on a Stephen King story-cum-movie surprisingly incorporating King's well-known alcohol problem. This movie didn't make me think deep thoughts, no, but in fact it got me to thinking about hair. You see, Cusack's hair in this movie is incredibly distracting. He dyed it some diarrhea-like color and had way too much mousse. It's just a recent thing where an actors' hair can either make or break the movie for me. Well, not necessarily the case with all but definitely with Baby Mama and Made of Honor. The best part of Baby Mama? Greg Kinnear's hair. Made of Honor? Patrick Dempsey's hair. A few weeks later, I begrudgingly sat through Next, starring Nicolas Cage and his hair plugs. The non-sensical plot didn't bother me as much as his hair.

In honor of hair, actually more in celebration of bad hair, here are some major hair changes that may have flown under the radar:

To our left is Cusack in 1408 - kinda bloated and bad hair. To our right is Cusack in High Fidelity - way hotter, less mousse-y and just so much cooler. The secret of "cool" must lie in the lack of mousse and a bad dye job.

Look, it's Cusack's former bff4eae, Jeremy Piven! Piven's transformation was more than obvious for those who knew him before Entourage (on the left). While on Ellen (to the right), he was almost as bald as the "bald asshole" Larry David. Now, Piven is just a hair-plugged asshole.

To to the left is the time traveling Nicolas Cage from Next. Unfortunately, he couldn't travel back in time to get the same head of hair he had in Valley Girl (to the right) nor could he add an "h" to Nicolas thus become less douche-y. 

John Travolta was a dinosaur circa 1998, when Civil Action came out. He decided to go for the most drastic hair makeover of the group. Yes, he now has more hair than all of these guys combined, but he also uses a lot more hairspray. Along with Bon Jovi pre-1995, he's now the current cause of ozone depletion.

The Mummy scared must have his hair back to his head. It's from The Huffington Post, but what a great "Before" shot.

Boys, let's learn to say no to hair plugs and yes to baldness?

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