Monday, August 4, 2008


Note: Ghostwriter actually appeared as a yellow streak, so it's not pee in the image but my meager rendition of Ghostwriter.

Everyday I see new posts for ghostwriters on Craigslist. Every ghostwriter position (or writing other people's memoirs/novels/etc. without the use of your name) requires that you have experience ghostwriting, but how do you get your foot in the ghost writing biz? Who do you approach to become a ghostwriter? Your mother, teacher, Clint Howard (Ron Howard's significantly more awkward sibling)? I'd like to ghostwrite an urban novel - take my skillz to the streetz. But if Ghost Dad needs a ghostwriter, I'm there.

Speaking of writing, living in the suburbs sometimes produces great ideas for movie material. I want to write either a short story or movie about the former alcoholic security guard who works at the pool. He lives with two cats, says crude things about women and leaves the air conditioning on for his cats. Once a former cop, he had his badge taken away before trying to drink and drive. Now he works as a part-time security guard at a development pool. Think Ed Harris. With cats. He lusts after the younger girls at the pool, but no Lolitaesque affair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a delicious indie comedy!