Thursday, August 7, 2008

Coldplay is Not the Worst Band in the World

Liking Coldplay is a very normie (or normal people) thing. Listening to Coldplay, liking Dane Cook, hanging out at sports bars and liking What Dreams May Come - all things normies like. Outside of that normie circle, readily admitting to liking Coldplay isn't that easy of a thing. Most conversations that occur about the band usually involve one of the two following phrases: "Secretly, I kinda like them" or "It's a guilty pleasure." I've used both.

I'm ready to come out of the secretly-liking-Coldplay closet. 

Coldplay, you're not that bad. In fact, I think I kinda, sorta like you. 

Sure, Zach Braff (pretty annoying) used a song in his even more annoying movie. Yes, they sound a lot like Travis and every other band in that genre, but I still don't hate them.

Their songs - catchy, easy to sing along to, not all that deep or memorable at times. But their influences, pretty darn good. My Bloody Valentine, Johnny Cash and Arcade Fire. They sampled Kraftwerk!?! They have good taste in music. 

They try to advocate for a cause. Chris Martin's all about Fair Trade and drawing that symbol on his hand all the time. Amnesty International is also a big favorite of theirs. 

Finally, they haven't totally succumbed to the man. Gatorade, Coke  and Gap have asked them for rights to their song, but they didn't sell. But, they managed to sell their newest song to Apple recently. Selling their song to Apple may not be a complete sellout. At least it's not a car commercial (which Spoon and Beulah have unfortunately done). Thanks for not selling out completely.

On a completely different note, my sister helped me think of a million dollar idea. One day, I'd like to own a bar. She suggested I open a bar where people blog. A blog bar. 

[Writer's note: This post is completely half-assed. I apologize. See, I started with a great post in mind, but I started complaining. I complained to people on the Internetz then I complained to my sister irl. Now my sister's asleep on my couch. The lesson here is to not complain or siblings will fall asleep on your makeshift bed. Forgiveness lies in the clip below. Enjoy].

1 comment:

special K said...

Wow. I don't know what to say. You always led me to believe I was a sell-out for liking Coldplay.

Does this mean you're one step closer to admitting your (read: our) Mandy Moore addiction?

That should have come first! I already knew that!