Monday, July 21, 2008

"We have all had teachers that couldn't inspire a bowel movement."

The Internets was alive with newz today!

First the AV Club interview with Tracy Morgan. I spent most of today trying to figure out whether Tracy Morgan is actually an idiot or idiot savant. Nathan Rabin tries to interview Tracy Morgan, but he legitimately only gets useless fodder from him. Reread the interview, though. You'll discover there's actually gold in some of his answers.

For example: 
AVC: Did you do a lot of research into anal prolapses for the role? (FYI anal prolapses occur when your poop hole falls out)
TM: No, dude! No, my asshole's never really popped out. [Laughs.] It's a character, dude.

Where do you go after that question as an interviewer? AV Club decides to ask him about the director. Unfortunately, I don't know if the interview was cut or that was legitimately his follow-up question. Maybe this was just followed with silence or laughter. 

Tracy Morgan also loves repeating himself. Maybe it's the lack of knowing what to say or him pondering his next genius move.

AVC: What was Tina Fey's response?
TM: She loved it. Tina Fey's my sister. She loved it. She thought it was brilliant.
AVC: One of the running jokes on 30 Rock is Tracy Jordan's films. If you could star in any of Tracy Jordan's films, which would it be?
TM: Who Dat Ninja. 'Cause he's an action figure. He's action!

See! He repeats himself over his love of Tina Fey then bam! Genius answer to the next question. You see, it's not enough to be an action figure, when you can be ACTION, how can you say no! 

Tracy has great lines in 30 Rock. In fact, it's hard to tell when he's Tracy Jordan (his character) or Tracy Morgan. I'm pretty sure he's not acting. Here's proof:

AVC: Tracy Jordan has some of the most quotable dialogue in television history. Is there a specific Tracy Jordan line you're particularly fond of?
TM: Yes. "I wanna take it out behind that middle school and get it pregnant."
AVC: Why do you think that line has taken off the way it has?
TM: Because I love the word "pregnant." The word "pregnant" is funny.

Rest my case. Tracy Morgan is so good at comedy that he's fooling us with this interview into thinking he actually has nothing great to say when in fact he is full of comic gold.

I also want to talk about Dark Knight but some of us haven't seen it. So I'm just going to direct you to this review on Radar by Choire, a former Gawker editor. It explains everything I felt and wanted to say. Thanks.

Finally, I present you Ideas By Chuck. This is the greatest idea for a site and I'm kind of upset that I didn't think of it earlier. Chuck has these ideas, puts them down then asks if anyone uses them, to grant him royalties. Check out his magical binder, drink or cane (which we actually need to really do) and school solution. Chuck actually sounds like someone we'd be friends with - maybe we already are?

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