Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More on the Goot

I reread the Observer interview below. Guttenberg's gotta be on something. He's either so into himself that he's living oblivion or he's on Joose. I'm conflicted. Goot's obviously a d-bag, with his "textbook-casual Hollywood look." Tight white v-neck tee, pre-torn jeans and Aviators = total bro. Another part of me feels incredibly sad for him. He's writing a movie about his first ten years in Hollywood called "Diary of a Seducer." He has dated over 600 women - a clearly inflated number- and no "Mrs. Right." He picked up a blonde Cornell grad while jogging in the park. That description alone makes me gag. He refers to his body as a violin. It's too much. My remorse is quickly diminishing the more I write about him. 

I love the writer's snark, but it's way too easy to hate on the Goot after reading this. It's almost as if he went checked his iPhone after the interview, hoping to hear that he was cast in Zeus and Roxanne 2 or that they want him to play Jessica Simpson's dad in another movie. On that Jessica Simpson note, the way Goot carries himself and looks - bronzed and Botoxed like George Hamilton - is he even a good casting choice as a dad? 

Secretly, if Steve Guttenberg hit on me, I'd probably allow it and I may give him my "digits" so that I can invite him to Joose in N.B.

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