Friday, October 3, 2008

David Duchovny. Teacher. Lover. Porn Addict.

This week we had our "summer bbq" at work. I watched on in silence, conversing only with my boss and one co-worker from the lab. I just feel so out of place there. I don't know if it's the fact that I hate everyone or that I am stranger than everyone there. I just don't feel like I fit in. The standard boys' club that exists at companies like this will never be my home. I did win a Chili's gift card. American industry has succeeded.

I am finally caught up with Californication. I enjoy the show, it's kind of a mindless entertainment most of the time, except for the fact that the last episode taught me about the ass-licker, the third wheel of the pornographic menage a trois. Other than originally conjuring up the image of the Licker from Resident Evil 2 and the nightmares my high school self used to have of that image, it reminded me a lot of the geek, the nerd, the Baxter. It actually was kind of heart-warming to imagine that even porn stars can feel out of place when they don't have the pleasure of being the leading dick-taker.

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