My brother; merchant marine, part-time philosopher, and The View-watcher, has cracked the whole steaming goose egg that is the mystery of LOST, which he detailed to me via text: (posted verbatim)
Andrew: Dude that kid that claire had on the island is jack when he was young. And ben is jacks brother cuz if you watch the episode back in season two when jack is young you see that little boy ben is waving to him with his mom
Me: You are full of it.
Andrew: No its true then marty takes jennifer home and drops her on that swinging bench
Me: how did ben get off the island as a boy?
Andrew: good question iguado. That submarine that blew up used to time travel when it hit eighty eight miles an hour
Me: Jin taught charlotte korean when she was a little girl i bet.
Andrew: Jin was drivin one of the police cars that was chasing hurley in the first episode of season four
Andrew: And suns father is that dude in those videos when he was younger
Me: So in your own words, what is really going on. Whats the whole point?
Andrew: I dont know...Land Before Time meets Happy Days
There you have it. All of LOST condensed to an easily accessible thought. Of course, Andrew once told me that LOST was like Dawson's Creek meets The X-Files meets Baywatch, so there's still a lot of mystery to mull over here.
19 hours ago